Here's a point made by a reddit user that I agree with...
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Lately, I hate the word 'folks'
It's so affected. It's functionally no different from saying 'people,' but it has a connotation that paints whatever group they're talking about in a down-home, good-natured, endearingly infantile way. It's basically 'aw shucks, aren't X folks so dang adorable/sympathetic? What a monster you are for disagreeing with them :(' without actually saying it. It's subtle persuasion with no substance.
It was common in the vernacular for older generations and I'm not so immediately off-put by when they say it. I could even get a deep south native saying it. But younger-generation people (teens to mid-twenties) are trying to make a point without actually making it outright. Not a
HUGE deal but the way the word is used bothers me lately. Just say people, damn!!
some other articles to read about 'folk'