Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quit Folking with me.

I disagree, that the word folks is safe. It's not ok with me, it doesn't go straight to my heart. Of course it's fine when someone from the South is saying it, where it sounds like a natural word they use because they always have. Even then it doesn't go to my heart, I just recognize it as a dialectical difference. Otherwise, I am just so sick of hearing the word,'folks'. It is not warmer than 'people'. There is nothing wrong with the word 'people' And I feel like all of these politicians and other f$%# are just using the word to manipulate me into some camaraderie. Everytime I hear it coming out of the mouth of someone, who I can just tell did not grow up in Texas or the south, it makes me cringe. And I have a really hard time not shutting down from anything else they're saying. I really wish people would just speak honestly, straightforward naturally, rather than in some effort to appeal, manipulate, relate or cajole. When people use words like this or talk in some forced unnatural feeling manner, I feel that they are trying to sell me something. And isn't that what most politicians are trying to do. I sort of expect it from them. I just don't know why all the social justice and activist peops feel the need to do it as well. I think the answer to you're headline is correct, yes they are folking with us, anyone who starts using that word, because they think it sounds warmer, is f*$#ing with us. There is absolutely no reason, to say the word, people, is cold.
Y'all I don't feel as bothered by, because there isn't a really good way to pluralize you. You all said very separately can sound kind of sterile. And I think 'y'all' is more of a contraction and the use of 'y'alls' and 'y'allses' is a lot more widespread culturally than 'folks'.

    Here's a point  made by a reddit user that I agree with...

    Posted by

    Lately, I hate the word 'folks'

    It's so affected. It's functionally no different from saying 'people,' but it has a connotation that paints whatever group they're talking about in a down-home, good-natured, endearingly infantile way. It's basically 'aw shucks, aren't X folks so dang adorable/sympathetic? What a monster you are for disagreeing with them :(' without actually saying it. It's subtle persuasion with no substance.
    It was common in the vernacular for older generations and I'm not so immediately off-put by when they say it. I could even get a deep south native saying it. But younger-generation people (teens to mid-twenties) are trying to make a point without actually making it outright. Not a
    HUGE deal but the way the word is used bothers me lately. Just say people, damn!!

    some other articles to read about 'folk'