Thursday, September 22, 2016

On Gubment, Corporations and what not

Robert Stone: Big, wealthy companies that can afford to hide behind phalanxes of rich, corporate lawyers and creative (ie. corrupt) accountancy practices seldom see any, "percentage", whatsoever in doing the right thing. Therefore it seems to me that the correct answer is to REMOVE LEGAL INCORPORATION as well as the DISPROPORTIONAL ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH from the social, economic and legal pictures..... as this is the ONLY WAY to cause big companies to 1) stop using their wealth to pervert the law in their own favor, and 2) force big companies to protect themselves from liability the only effective way which can remain thereafter, which is to say that they will not be able to hide behind their corporate charter, non-existent, "shareholder obligations", and phalanxes of rich corporate lawyers and creative accountancy practices having engaged in risky-to-deadly business, "opportunities", WHICH THEY WOULD NOT HAVE ENGAGED IN WITH THEIR OWN PERSONAL FAT POTENTIALLY IN THE FIRE!! Viva la Revolution!!!!September 6 
Some Dude: How pathetic. I suppose you will be counting on the government to be taking care of you in your retirement years since you are too dim-witted to invest on your own in winning ideas. I guess the bureaucrats should decide your standard of living for you... right? September 18
RJ Brightstar: How is that Pathetic? Without the people those companies do not exist. These companies are destroying our planet and the government protects those companies over the citizens. We are in the face of a world wide epidemic of losing our clean water. And these companies are getting away with polluting water all around the world. They are mining the earths minerals and making the earth sick. Along with humans. They pollute our food with pesticides and GMOs and people are getting sick. there are far more diseases now then there ever was in history. These CEO's and investors of these companies are getting fat with riches while poverty and starvation is an epidemic problem. The truth is that most people have put too much faith into these companies and their governments to do the right thing, and sadly those companies and government do not do the right thing. One of the biggest lies is that we need jobs to survive. So here is how they break a society and brainwash the citizens. First take away their food source and control it. which they have done, taint their food source with chemicals to make them sick, over fund companies that make toxic pharmaceuticals, over invest in technology to keep the citizens occupied with their awesome gadgets which has worked 100% in getting the results needed to keep people in a state of believing that we need to move forward into the future as fast as possible. People have become far too comfortable with their Greed and so called advancement that societies can no longer maintain, which is why we have so many problems in society with drugs and crime. The powers that be have successfully brainwashed billions of people. So while the fat cats get rich the rest of the world suffers. So exactly how does Capitalism benefit the citizens of the world? The whole purpose of the governments is assure security of all citizens of their perspective countries, but we see far too much them protecting big companies over the people. So how is that beneficial to our society?
Unfortunately, capitalism is the most toxic creation of our species, in fact, it looks like it's practice has caused us to become (along with a myriad of other species) an evolutionary dead end.. So, it's cute that some believe it can be made "sustainable"..💩        
reply from other dude: Your statement is unbelievably ignorant.
dude: Jim, Socialism is just another scarcity driven, socio economic system; although it is much, much less toxic; and, it certainly did not "fail" that is utterly humorous...

September 18 

Alicia-Pilar Mogollon: Jim assuming that because someone is anti capitalism that automatically means they are pro socialism is not being able to think critically, to think creatively. It is not being able to think outside of the boxes of thought that have been spoon fed you by those who would keep this system so as not to threaten their way of life and that is unbelievably ignorant in my opinion.

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